Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Today i got my riff in riff machine that i think i like. (this means that i got my sytrus basically completely done.) i had to change my pitch envelope and also my mod envelope. It made my riff sound way cooler . my riff machine is 8 bars long.

Friday, December 18, 2009

project 7 sytrus

today i got my sytrus loop started i didnt do a hole lot today though because i was finishing my project 6 to repost. Next class i should get through my riff machine and maybe get my form done.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

sytrus project

the sytrus project was really confusing when we had to start off making our sytrus loops.

Friday, November 20, 2009

edison/vocoder project

this project was very hard and really confusing. but none the less it was still a fun project. i am pritty sure that i would take the award for weirdest voice in the world. it was some kind of i think german speakng man and i only put a very small amount of vocoder on it but thought it made a nice touch to my peice.

Monday, November 16, 2009

AHHHHH all of my vocoder and edison is GONE. not a good thing and not happy about it. hopefully i can get that back. other than loosing all my sound i finished up the musical part of my loop today.

Friday, November 6, 2009

wow! this project is wicked cool. Matt has found theloudest and most scary sound in the world. its really creepy.what i got done on my project today was my voice sound and my regular beat.

Friday, October 30, 2009

automation project

this was the automation project. Mr. rabuse gave me the idea for what i should automate.what i ended up doin was changing the bpm (beats per minuite) and also the volume in the very bigining. i like how in the end of the loop you can hear every note clearly and it sounds very good.

FX project

this is my project on FX. i used a lot of slayer in this loop and on the clap that i had in it i used my reverb affect. also on my kick i used the echo affect.i thought the power chords contrasted nicely to the very upbeat and fast other parts of the loop.

Chop project

this is my loop on the chopping tool project. this project was really fun. i loved how in my loop i got the chop tool on my kick and snare that i put in. it is very quiet but i think adds a nice sequnce to the pattern.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

In this drum loop I had a lot of good ideas that just didnt work. i wanted to have a steady beat through the hole thing. so i put in a symbol through the hole song except for the bridge.i think this is a very hip hop like beat. Each part of the loop leads into the next in a very nice way which i thought maid it flow very well.in my brigde. It sounds like there is a school bands drum part. it is a very basic part but it works well with the rest of the loop.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


hi people...