Friday, November 20, 2009

edison/vocoder project

this project was very hard and really confusing. but none the less it was still a fun project. i am pritty sure that i would take the award for weirdest voice in the world. it was some kind of i think german speakng man and i only put a very small amount of vocoder on it but thought it made a nice touch to my peice.

Monday, November 16, 2009

AHHHHH all of my vocoder and edison is GONE. not a good thing and not happy about it. hopefully i can get that back. other than loosing all my sound i finished up the musical part of my loop today.

Friday, November 6, 2009

wow! this project is wicked cool. Matt has found theloudest and most scary sound in the world. its really creepy.what i got done on my project today was my voice sound and my regular beat.